Well, where does one start when you are going to write who you are and where you're from? How 'bout
the beginning?
I was born in a small town in Idaho in the early 70's. My father is an educator who works with
gifted children. My mother is an accomplished artist, was an equestrian, and a cello player to boot. My earliest memories
were being surrounded with a vast array of cultural influences, languages and literature as my father is an English literature
teacher as well.
Dad tried to teach me some Latin when I was little and I would hear him speak some French from
time to time. Mom would take me to the library as often as she could and encouraged me in my artistic talents.
Science and technology always fascinated me, I guess I inherited that ability from my grandfathers who were very talented
engineers and craftsmen. Imagine my parents' surprise to find that I had taught myself to read when I was only 2 years old!
As I progressed through school, I was encouraged further in my engineering talents with science fair competitions,
from which I received high accolades and alot of really good experiences. The full details on all that work will be on the
Accomplishments page.
Currently, I live in the Seattle area. I enjoy riding motorcycles, cooking and spending
time with my friends here and abroad. I am currently heavily involved in alternative fuel production both in biodiesel and
recently working on biogas and methane production/use in spark ignition engines.